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前幾日見到呢個blog講點樣可以轉香港寬頻派俾我地既IP, 本來我都以為香港寬頻係用static IP無得轉. 點知仲有個咁簡單既方法, 真係道高一尺....




  1. 按 "開始" -> "執行" -> "輸入 cmd"
  2. 彈出 Command Prompt, 輸入 ipconfig/all
  3. 記低 "Physical Address"
  4. 到 "控制台" -> "網路連線" -> right-click "區域連線" -> "內容"
  5. 0向 "區域連線 內容" 內, 按 "設定", 再選 "進階"
  6. 在新彈出來既視窗中, 於左面 "內容" 選 "本地管理位址"
  7. 在右面 "數值" 下填上之前記低既 "Physical Address"
  8. 在填上既 "Physical Address" 入面, 隨意更改一個數字或字母
    (輸入的數值只可以是十六進制, 即是 0-9 或 A-F, 並且如原來數字是雙數, 就填雙數, 否則填單數)
  9. 按 "確定", 檢查 IP 係咪改左, 完成


"Page is customized" in SPD 2007


I come across a situation that the "Edit Page" menu item is missing for certain page in a SharePoint Site. Later I found that it is caused by "Customized Page" created by SharePoint Designer (SPD).
If want to enable the "Edit Page" function of customized page, you can navigate to the page in SPD, right-click on it and select "Reset to Site Definition". However, this action will remove the customized page content.
Links below talk more about "customized page", "customized files" in WSS 3.0 & MOSS 2007


  1. Understanding and Creating Customized and Uncustomized Files in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
  2. Reset a customized page to the site definition
  3. 關於 SharePoint Designer 的利與弊


Delete users from a Site collection


A user might belongs to many user groups in a MOSS site collection. Below steps show how to remove users from all groups of a site collection.


Removing Selected Users in MOSS 2007/WSS v3


  1. Select "Site Actions" -> "Site Settings"
  2. Click "People and groups" under "Users and Permission"
  3. In "People and Groups" page, click "All People"
  4. Select the users you want to remove, then select "Actions" -> "Delete Users from Site collection"


Save MOSS sub sites as a template


Site templates are very useful when creating sites with similar structure & settings. However the link "Save site as template" is only available under Look and Feel at the Top Level of the site collection. So can I create site template of my sub site? Yes, and the way to do it is indeed quite simple.


MOSS 2007 - Save site as a template missing


  1. Navigate to the site you want to create site template.
  2. Copy its URL (e.g. "http://www.abc.com/demo/default.aspx")
  3. Change the URL to "http://www.abc.com/demo/_layout/savetmpl.aspx", this will lead you to the "Create site template" page.


Silverlight + SharePoint integration (Silverlight Blueprint for SharePoint)


Microsoft provides a Blueprint for integrating Silverlight 2 applications with SharePoint sites. The Blueprint includes guides to configure SharePoint runtime environment for hosting Silverlight 2 application, as well as VS 2008 development environment for building Silverlight 2 wrapper webparts. Besides, 5 examples application are included in the Blueprint.


Silverlight Blueprint for SharePoint Beta 2


Below only briefly shows the steps required for the integration, for details please refer to Silverlight Blueprint Guidance.

Configure VS 2008 development environment

  1. Install the Microsoft Silverlight 2 Beta 2 plug-in
  2. Install VS 2008 SP1 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
  3. Install Microsoft Silverlight 2 Tools Beta 2 for VS 2008
  4. Install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools: VS 2008 Extensions

Configure SharePoint runtime environment

  1. Install Service Pack 1 for your SharePoint (either WSS 3.0 or MOSS 2007)
  2. Deploy System.Web.Silverlight.dll into Global Assembly Cache
  3. Add a new MIME type for (.xap) file to the IIS Web Application hosting SharePoint Sites
  4. Modify the web.config file of the IIS Web Application hosting SharePoint Sites to enable ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 and Silverlight 2 applications.