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Publish Browser Enabled InfoPath Form to MOSS 2007

今日開始玩InfoPath, 想publish一張 InfoPath 既 form 入 SharePoint Server 做 WebPart, 但係0向 publish 既時候就見到呢個warning...

"This form template is browser-compatible, but it cannot be
browser-enabled on the selected site

結果搞左一大輪先搞得掂... 方法請參考下面既link


A checklist for enabling browser forms with Forms Services and SharePoint 2007


其實我跟足 Reference 既方法都唔得, 原因大概係因為0向 SharePoint 做 setting 既時候 server未可以成功改到setting. 咁就可以根據以下keypoint試試︰

  1. 做完第 1, 2 步之後, 可以 restart 一次 IIS 先再做 step 3.
  2. 如果去到 "Site collection features" 搵唔到 "InfoPath Forms Services support", 就去 "Office SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features"
  3. 如果所有步驟都無效, 就做以下動作, 手動 restart 個 feature︰
    3.1   去 SharePoint Server, 入 command prompt, 去 folder: "Program Files\Common
            Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN"

    3.2   輸入 "stsadm -o deactivatefeature -filename IPFSSiteFeatures\feature.xml -force -url
    3.3   Operation Success 後, 再輸入 "stsadm -o activatefeature -filename
            IPFSSiteFeatures\feature.xml -force -url
